GPT slot below is configured with AuctionConfig and targeting parameters to select hb_pb=0.5. GPT should run the top-level auction on page load or via refresh below. Additional buyer signals can be specified via URL parameter perBuyerSignals, see below. Console logs from generateBid, component scoreAd, component reportResult and reportWin should appear. reportWin and component reportResult log browserSignals.topLevelSeller as https://pubads.g.doubleclick.net.

Ad goes here
    Troubleshooting options
  1. call googletag.pubads().refresh() to re-run GPT auction.
  2. call navigator.runAdAuction() to invoke the FLEDGE auction directly without GPT, to confirm that interest group was joined and Chrome has necessary features enabled. This should generate bid/win events in a simple auction (no topLevelSeller in logs).
  3. Open chrome://version to check features and version (should include Fledge,InterestGroupStorage,PrivacySandboxAdsAPIsOverride,BiddingAndScoringDebugReportingAPI)

Adding more buyers to static auction via URL

Append an url-encoded JSON object to the URL as perBuyerSignals parameter: gpt-simple.html?perBuyerSignals=%7B%22https%3A%2F%2Fmybidder.net%22%3A%7B%22bid%22%3A1.5%7D%7D The value can be generated from json:

    echo '{"https://mybidder.net":{"bid":1.5}}'|jq -r '@uri'