ES6 and Beyond - Part 3: Classes

This is part 3 in a series of posts that will help familiarize you with many of the features of the recently-approved ECMAScript 6 specification (aka ES2015, ES Harmony, ESNext) as well as go through some of the proposed changes...

Making Logs Awesome with SumoLogic

Logs are awesome! They provide feedback, allow us to view different angles of history, give baselines to identify aberrations, and highlight anomalies. With the growing scale of operation at OpenX, gaining intelligence from them ceased to be a manual task...

How to Get Your Alexa Skill Accepted

Alexa is a voice control service developed by Amazon that pairs with devices such as the Echo, Echo Dot, and Tap. In addition to high quality text-to-speech and a wide variety of voice enabled integrations called “skills,” Amazon has also...

ES6 and Beyond - Part 2: Promises, generators, and async

This is part 2 in a series of posts that will help familiarize you with many of the features of the recently-approved ECMAScript 6 specification (aka ES2015, ES Harmony, ESNext) as well as go through some of the proposed changes...

The Ultimate Sass Style Guide

Sass Guidelines The root of a code style is about authorship and presentation rather than function and performance. A considerable amount of time goes into developing a style. Sometimes an engineer will seek out guides, memorize patterns, and write love...